Marina Olivo Kronfeld
1 min readDec 31, 2020


New Year’s Traditions

At Christmas, the tradition, at least in Brazil, is to eat birds (turkey, chester, chicken …) at supper and in the new year, people believe that they should avoid consuming these animals, as they scratch back, which bring some kind of consequence to the year to come. Hence, no animals are saved. Has anyone ever stopped to think why we do all of this? Is it really so necessary to kill an animal for a new year’s belief? Or are we already so influenced that we consume and buy wildly without even thinking about the reason for our attitude?

It was something I stopped and start to think about this year, because it is not just an individual or a family that consume these animals in these festivities, but thousands, that is, countless animals killed because of what exactly? Isn’t the animals lives more important than an idea that we don’t even know the reason for doing this anymore?

There are so many incredible traditions around the world that don’t involve suffering, so why not take this one out of this year to come? Wouldn’t it be better to start a year with the lives of these beings preserved? I think it’s worth a reflection!



Marina Olivo Kronfeld

Just a place so I can share my thoughts and ideas about life, animals and many things that come up.